“There Is Nothing You Can Do About Back Pain.”

“There Is Nothing You Can Do About Back Pain.”
“When Back Pains Strikes, I Must Lie Down And Rest, Then It Will Go Away”
“You Will Never Get Back Pain Because You Are Active.”
Unfortunately, this is not true. Even with exercise, there is no guarantee. Even good sportsmen can suffer from or get occasional back pain. But if you stay in good shape, pain episodes will be less intense and less frequent. If pain reoccurs constantly, then you should better see a medical professional. Generally, it is recommended to stick to an exercise programme, including strengthening training and stretching for all muscle groups as effective prevention against back pain.
“I Can’t Do My Favourite Activity Anymore.”
Untrue. Fortunately, most lower back pain isn’t chronic, but limited to a certain period of time. So it is only matter of time before you will overcome it. Be pro-active about it! The sooner you start moving again, the sooner you will be fine.
“I Should Always Sit Straight, Then I’m Fine.”
No. Sitting straight in your office chair all the time will only lead to one-sided use of your muscle groups. Dynamic sitting, i.e. moving frequently during work, is the right approach to prevent lower back pain.
Be pro-active about your back! If you are pro-active about your back pain and follow a routine that includes core conditioning and flexibility exercises, you can greatly contribute to getting rid of your pain by strengthening your back and holding further back pain at bay. You might also want to talk to your doctor about what routine is right for you and what else you can do if you find that stress or psychological factors contribute to your back pain.